Nothing beats a man or woman who is CONVINCED, CONVICTED and COMMITTED to a CAUSE. We can tell how far you will go by what powers you. Your engine capacity (internal VALUE system) spells out your DESTINY coordinates. You have no one to blame but yourself if you end up at someone else's destination. Commit to your PURPOSE, your PATH and your PLAN rather than spend time observing other people's PROGRESS. Many times we attempt to do things but we do not have a deep seated commitment and conviction about what we do. We do things to merely spend time and see another day but not to intentional leave a mark or an impact. We act while harboring doubts about the outcomes hence we are not convinced enough. Alternatively we start working on a project but we lack commitment to making things happen. We do it when we "feel" like doing it hence the project suffers from lack of attention. Eventually it was another good, sensible idea, gone to waste. All the great people I have studied have shown an unwavering, unshakable and immovable desire to be committed to their dream, passions and ideas. Commitment separates great men from fly by night dreamers. If all the inventors and innovators had one day old commitment, we probably would not have the great, smooth lives we enjoy to this day. Someone had to be committed to what they saw in the dream, they let nothing or nobody influence them negatively. You have to realize that your invention may look too simple to some people but in no time, people cannot live without it. Check the history of the originally simple idea of online community called Facebook. To this day, people get to the point of addiction to this new idea and concept but did not even think beyond email and web browsing not so long ago. Even the coming of the internet was itself not much of an addiction to many than this new phenomenon.
Jeff Mullin, a senior writer of the News and Eagle started his article by asking a vital question "What couldn't we live without". In his article he mentions some of the greatest inventions of all time which look simple now but took a great deal of commitment to make. He highlights that "the flush toilet, invented in 1591 by Englishman Sir John Hampton, was on the list of the 325 "Greatest Inventions of All Time," recently released by the folks who publish Encyclopedia Britannica. The list ranges from the aerosol can, invented in 1926 by Erik Rotheim of Norway, to the zipper, developed in 1893 by American Whitcomb Judson. In between are such modern items like disposable diapers and Post-It Notes, as well as venerable favorites such as the automobile, the telephone, the steam engine and the airplane".
Commitment and conviction is what helped me during the most devastating time in economic history. It is interesting that I formed Infotech just a year after the economy of Zimbabwe had started the decay process. It was down-hill all the way such that when the Global economic crisis hit other nations towards 2009, we had been hit many years earlier so it was not new to us. We had the experience. There were justifications and good reasons for anyone who managed to close shop and sell businesses. Somehow my conviction kept me hoping that someday the whole meltdown and economic madness would end. Sure enough it had to take all the 9 years since I had been in business for some level of sanity to prevail. No one would have blamed me if I had quit on my vision. Many bigger corporates closed shop and left. I remained convinced that I would cross over to a new economic order which indeed happened. At the time of writing this book, we have started seeing the signs of economic recovery in our nation after the dollarization of the economy.
Ponder Points - Think about this - What cause are you committed to? Are you committed to your dream and ideas to the point of not letting go in the midst of adversity, criticism and discouragement? What ideas do you have which may seem small but no one has ever done it before?
Affirmation Points - Say this to yourself - I am committed to my dreams and vision. I have set my mind not to turn to the left or the right. I am focussed on the ultimate goal, to be the next success story that people will be talking about many years from this day. I am more than what people have told me. I walk with boldness and knowledge that my commitment today creates my world and a whole new perception in people's minds. I am confident though that people's perceptions of my progress do not affect my commitment to all I desire to do.
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