Did you know that water is usually the best kidney stones cure? However, millions of people will need more than water to flush their kidney stones. Are you one of them?
It is true that kidney stones are typically caused by a lack of water or hydration. And because most diseases can be cured naturally, kidney stones are often the first disease to be treated with a natural remedy... water. However, many people are finding it difficult to wait weeks to months to pass their kidney stone(s).
If this describes you, here are some other options besides water. In fact, there are over 20 things you could be doing to help your body pass kidney stones.
Kidney Stone Natural Remedies
As a natural health expert, it is always fun hearing how people first were introduced to natural remedies. And did you know that most people jump on the natural health bandwagon after treating kidney stones at home? Why?
Because kidney stones are one of the simplest diseases to cure naturally. In fact, many traditional doctors are now recommending simple remedies before any medication or surgery is recommended.
But you do not have to go to a doctor and spend $200 to get advice that most health experts know. Here are 5 kidney stone secrets which will save you hundreds of dollars and will flush your pain down the toilet.
Pass Kidney Stones with these Tips
1. I have to mention it because it is extremely important! But you should continue to drink plenty of water while suffering from this disease. Most experts recommend drinking half your body weight in ounces of water. If I weighed 200 lbs., I would drink 100 ounces of water per day.
2. Most kidney stones are made out of calcium. Ironically, low calcium levels in your body can lead to calcium-based kidney stones. You should be sure to supplement a quality calcium supplement daily.
3. Your diet is also extremely critical! Make sure you are getting enough water soluble fiber in your diet. Great sources of this fiber are fruits and vegetables. Make sure you get three of each every day.
4. You should also eliminate high sugar foods from your diet. High sugar intake is associated with an increased risk of kidney stones. Eating sugar free foods is a great way to help your body pass kidney stones naturally and also prevent them.
5. Finally, we also recommend a diet using phosphoric acid. Many nurses and some doctors are now recommending a diet involving phosphoric acid because it can actually work be dissolving calcium based kidney stones. And because kidney stones are almost 90% calcium, this remedy has been extremely successful. You can find this remedy at Kidney Stone Cure website.
A Kidney Stone Cure that Works in 24 Hours
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